“For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen” (Romans 11:36). “If all are of Him, and through Him, all should be to Him, and for Him. Whatever begins, let God’s glory be the end: especially let us adore him when we ...
I woke up early this morning with a clear conviction in my spirit that I’m quite sure is from the Lord. It’s not a condemning voice; yet, it is stern and clear and, I have to admit, painfully accurate. We arrived in Louisville on Sunday evening. What I suddenly realized this morning is that the ...
Lord, I can’t fill our conferences, but You can. I can’t fund our ministry budget, but You can. I can’t open doors of opportunity, but You can. I can’t provide for my family, but You can. I can’t lead my loved ones to the Truth, but You can. I can’t save the world, but You ...
O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! (Psalm 8:9 NLT) May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children. May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us… (Psalm 90:16-17) Thank you Lord for an incredible time on our vacation out West this year. Here are ...
“The Sovereign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will.” Isaiah 50:4 My new appointment with God is 7:00 each morning at my kitchen table. (I share this so my blog readers can ...
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