Confession Time

I woke up early this morning with a clear conviction in my spirit that I’m quite sure is from the Lord. It’s not a condemning voice; yet, it is stern and clear and, I have to admit, painfully accurate. We arrived in Louisville on Sunday evening. What I suddenly realized this morning is that the ...

How to Get Blessed

Text: Psalm 1, Matthew 5 Theme: Blessings are not automatic but are attainable. Key verses: “Blessed in the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of The Lord, and on ...

Perfect Peace

20. December 2011 Random Thoughts 0
“Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee” (Isaiah 26:3 KJV) “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Isaiah 26:3 NLT) What God said to me: Dwayne, do you have any idea how much I have blessed you? Even ...

Back to Journaling (finally)!

Last week during a solemn and much-needed prayer walk, the Lord convicted me about being lazy and slack in writing out my quiet times. While I continue to be consistent with having my daily devotions, I know that I must also be disciplined to journal what God shows me and my response to Him. I’ve ...

Journaling to Resume ASAP!

Hi everyone, Please forgive me for not journaling over the past couple months. No excuse really. I’ve been enjoying simply reading and meditating on passages in Acts and other places these past several weeks. I realize though that I need to return the discipline of journaling what God shows me during my times in His ...

“Ever” Praising Means Ever Journaling

It’s been close to 2 months since I have entered anything into this journal. That is both embarrasing and inexcusable. I have maintained something of a quiet time with the Lord about 4 days per week on the average, but unless I discipline myself to journal, I usually struggle to concentrate, and I often miss ...

Back to Journaling!

15. September 2008 Random Thoughts 0
I took a sabatical from online journaling over the summer because I felt I was getting into a rut. It was becoming too much of a routine to me. As they say, familiarity can breed contempt. Instead I used some devotional books, listened to audio Bible readings from Daily Audio Bible, and simply read from ...

I’m Back!

It has been over two months since I last entered a journal post from my quiet times. Mind you, I’ve had some strong and connsistent times alone in God’s Word over these past several weeks. Nonetheless, there is nothing that can replace the discipline of journaling what God is teaching me. It galvanizes my mind and ...