God-sent Authority

22. October 2013 Titus 0

Text: Titus 1:1-3
Theme: Paul knew God had called him and that gave him confidence and authority in his words.
Key verses: “This letter is from Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to toeach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. This truth gives them confidence…” (v. 1-2a). “…It is by the command of God that I have been entrusted with this work for him” (v. 3b).
What God said to me: Good morning Dwayne. Glad you could make our appointment this morning. Missed you yesterday. Don’t be fooled by the brevity of Paul’s letter to Titus. There is much truth packed in these few pages that I want to help you unpack and apply. Like Paul, you have been sent by me. I have commanded you to share my Word with your world. I have entrusted you with my work and with insights into my written Word to encourage the saints and disciple them. This is your calling Dwayne. You can therefore have confidence that I will guide you and help you every step of the way. Haven’t I always been there with you? I have much more to teach you, much more that I want you to pass on to others. Don’t squander your gifts by wasting time and missing your daily appointments with me. Paul had extraordinary confidence because he walked constantly and intimately with me. You can have that same level of confidence and boldness. But it starts with knowing Who has called and empowered you.
What I said to God: Holy Lord, I am humbled that You would take time to meet with me and speak to me through Your Word. Thank You for loving me and for never giving up on me. Help me go out into the world and show Your love and mercy today. Help me faithfully teach others what You have taught to me. Watch over my family as they travel home today from AL. Bless my pastor and my many minister friends. Prepare the hearts of the Intensive attendees coming in a couple weeks. Thank You for so many blessings!