Confidence & Consistency Under Fire
Text: Acts 4:1-22
Theme: Peter & John stayed strong despite threats and opposition.
Key verses: “So they arrested Peter, John, and the man who was healed and kept them in jail overnight…Peter and John already had convinced about 5000 more people to believe their message about Jesus” (v. 3-4). “The next morning, the Jewish leaders…called a meeting in Jerusalem” (v. 5). “They made their prisoners stand in the middle of the assembly and questioned them.” Jewish leaders: ‘Who gave you the authority to create that spectacle in the temple yesterday?’ Peter (filled with the Spirit):” (v. 7) “‘There is no other name under heaven given to any human by whom we may be rescued.’ Now the leaders were surprised and confused. They looked at Peter and John and realized they were typical peasants–uneducated, utterly ordinary fellows–with extraordinary confidence…” (v. 12-13). “The leaders brought the prisoners back in and prohibited them from doing any more speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus. Peter and John listened quietly and then replied, ‘…we cannot possibly restrain ourselves from speaking about what we have seen and heard…” (v. 18-20).
What God said to me: Son, when you are filled with the Spirit you will do amazing, even astounding things in front of others for my sake. You will stand your ground and speak my words with boldness and confidence that are far beyond your own abililities and intelligence. My servants, Peter and John, experienced something in this story that few Christians ever do. They allowed me to shine through them–with no concern for the outcome to themselves. Like Paul said in Ephesians, they stood in the evil day and having done all, they continued to stand. Be bold, be confident, be clear in your communication about me to those who need to hear the truth.
What I said to God: Holy and majestic God, great Counselor and Friend, I need thee every hour. I cannot remain consistent without Your grace and power operating in my life every day. Cleanse me of hidden sin and fill me anew with your awesome Holy Spirit. I love you and adore you. I lay my life before you right now.
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