Careful How We Build

08. October 2008 1 Corinthians 0

Text: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Theme: Building into others’ lives requires careful and correct materials and blueprints. Key verses: “I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds.” (v. 10b) “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation…his work will be shown for what it is…and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work.” (v. 11-13) What God said to me: My son, no more important a warning could be given to you as my servant and follower. Notice three profound instructions from Paul in this passage: First, the foundation has already been laid — Jesus Christ. Paul was very specific to use both His names. This is not just any Jesus; this is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God. You cannot improve on perfection. My Son is the perfect, holy and anointed One, who is the Rock on which all lives should and can be built. Second, you must be careful how you build. Don’t settle for other ultimately sandy foundations. Accept no substitute, no idol, no get-rich-quick scheme, no sure-fire, supposedly proven alternative path to happiness and peace. My Son is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Furthermore, don’t place on top of Him man’s philosophies and half-baked doctrines that will lead people astray. Be most careful when you teach and how you live in front of others. They are watching your life; they are forming your statements and actions into little building blocks they hope to use in their own lives. So walk straight and humble and consistent in righteousness before me. Finally, Paul uses the word “if” — if anyone builds. You see, you must choose to deliberately pour into others. Not everyone is a builder, and certainly not an expert builder. Choose today to pour your life and your wisdom and experience into someone else. Tell someone who needs to know of my love and forgiveness about the love and forgiveness you have discovered. Encourage one of your brothers or sisters in Christ to love and trust me more. Build on the foundation that was laid 2000 years ago. Build using quality stones of truth from my Word. By my grace, be an expert builder to someone today. What I said to God: Father, I accept this assignment. I cannot live up to Your expectations and the needs of others without Your grace and help and power. May I begin with building into my sons and my wife today. And lead someone across my path who needs to know about You.