Went South Fast
Text: Acts 13:44-52
Theme: Speaking truth took Paul & Barnabas from hero to zero in a week.
Key verses: “The following week almost the entire city turned out to hear them preach the word of the Lord. But when some of the Jews saw the crowds, they were jealous; so they slandered Paul and argued against whatever he said. Then Paul and Barnabas spoke boldly and declared, ‘It was necessary that we first preach the word of God to you Jews. But since you have rejected it and judged yourselves unworthy of eternal life, we will offer it to the Gentiles (v. 44-46).’ When the Gentiles heard this, they were very glad and thanked the Lord for his message (v. 48). “So the Lord’s message spread throughout that region. Then the Jews stirred up the influential religious women and leaders of the city, and they incited a mob against Paul and Barnabas and ran them out of town. So they shook the dust from their feet as a sign of rejection and went to Iconium…And the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit” (v. 49-52).
What God said to me: The fame of Paul and Barnabas spread quickly. One week no one had ever of them, and the next week “almost the entire city turned out to hear them.” And notice this too–they came in droves to “hear them preach” my word. Who does that? Granted, that was a different era, and people weren’t as busy or disinterested as you see them now. But still, what could have possibly motivated that many people to stop what they were doing and come hear some new guys preach at them? No doubt it was because of what they preached about the week before in the synagogue. In fact, verse 42 gives some insight into this phenomena. It says, “The people begged them to speak about these things again the next week.” Those Jews and Gentiles went out and talked about what they had heard. They shared it with their friends and family. While the charisma and boldness of the men captured their attention, it was the message they brought that captured their imaginations and curiosity. It was a fresh message of hope that most of them had never heard. Dwayne, that part can still be true today. There are still people all around you who have never heard the Good News of salvation and hope through my Son. The people in Antioch of Pisidia would never have known what they were missing and hungry for had Paul and Barnabas not gone to where they were and stood to proclaim the truth. What about you? How often do you stand up for me and share with someone about the hope that is within you? Are you ready in season and out of season–when you’re all “preachered up” ready to witness and also when you’re completely exhausted after a long journey–in either and all situations, are you prepared and willing to share my Gospel with those you meet? You carry tracks around with you in your wallet. Good for you. But how often, do you get them out and actually give them to someone? What good are they doing anyone sitting in your wallet? Now, one more lesson I want you to glean from this story: If they don’t listen to your message, then move on. There are plenty of people to share with. Don’t waste your time on people with stopped ears, who are argumentative and obstinate against your message. Time is short. You don’t have time to get pulled into useless arguments and intellectual debates. If they reject you, don’t be discouraged. Pray for them, yes, but also “shake the dust off” your feet and go on to another place and to more people who need and who may actually want to hear what you have to say. And don’t miss this quick description at the end of this chapter: After they were rejected and as they leaving, even then they were “filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” That is my grace in action. That shows a deep trust in me, that they could have abiding joy in such a challenging and hateful environment. Never forget it is the Holy Spirit living in and through you that can bring you joy in the midst of any storm.
What I said to God: Good morning, Lord! It is great to invest time with You today. We are facing some very challenging times financially as a ministry. I frankly don’t know how we are going to make it through the next few months. But God! Thank You for Your grace to sustain us and give us joy on the journey, even when the journey itself is not so joyful. Please forgive me for keeping the tracks to myself. I see that sometimes I carry them just to appease my guilt and make me feel like I care. But the truth is, when I meet people along my way, I don’t think about giving them a track or an encouraging word, because, well, I don’t think about them and how they might go to hell unless someone shares Your truth with them. It’s not about carrying tracks or preaching sermons, it’s about sharing hope with those You died for. My going and sharing with others should be motivated out of my love for them. Help me be faithful to witness about the hope within me–even to “tough” crowds and belligerent individuals You might place in my path today.