Tough Decisions Need Tough Praying

24. January 2008 Luke 0

Text: Luke 6:12-16 Theme: Jesus prayed all night before he chose His twelve apostles. Key verses: “…He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: Simon…and Judas Iscariot, who also became a traitor.: (v. 12-16) What God said to me: Son, this is a very simple idea; yet, it is the most profound and life-shaping principle you will ever discover regarding walking with me and making the best decisions. Jesus–himself God in the flesh–saw the top priority of prayer for his life. He had a huge decision to make about his disciples. He had at least seventy men from whom he had to chose. That was a difficult choice since he loved them all and wanted the best for them all. However, Jesus knew he had to whittle that number down to a smaller, more intimate group he could invest his life into. Note that his choices included Judas Iscariot. These choices weren’t about who was “most likely to succeed.” But rather, Jesus followed my lead and obeyed me without hesitation or question. My plan is bigger and broader than anything you can see from your perspective down there on earth. Jesus acknowledged that. That is why he was determined to seek me and know my direction for his choices. Dwayne, if Jesus needed my direction, how much more do you? What “big” decisions to you have on the horizon? Consider them each carefully. Be constantly sensitive to my still, small voice as I lead you through every decision of your day. But, as you see larger, more strategic and impacting decisions coming, seek me all the more. How desperate are to know my will? Are you willing to pray all night too? What I said to God: Holy and majestic Wise Counselor, Marvelous One, I need You every hour. I am truly desperate to follow You closely and listen as You guide me, my family, and my ministries. Please show me decisions coming soon that need to more saturated in fervent prayer. May I willingly lay aside my creature comforts of sleep and food to diligently seek Your face and Your hand on my life and work.