Serving Up the New and Sometimes Unappreciated Wine

22. January 2008 Luke 0

Text: Luke 5:27-39 Theme: Jesus introduced new ways when He attended a feast in honor of sinners. Key verses: “…He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’ So he left all, rose up and followed Him. Then Levi gave a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them. And their scribes and Pharisees complained against His disciples…” (v. 27-30) “And they said to Him, ‘Why do the disciples of John fast often…but Yours eat and drink'” (v. 33) “Then he spoke a parable to them: …’No one puts new wine into old wineskins…But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, ‘The old is better.'” (v. 36-39) What God said to me: Dwayne, there is tremendous and profound truth here. Wake up and catch this. Reign in your random and distracted thoughts about your work this week or the economy. Nothings matters right now but listening to me. My message, my gospel truth is not immediately welcomed by those who are accustomed to their old ways. Even the religious and traditional Christian folk don’t warm up quickly to new and innovative ideas. Mind you, Jesus was clearly referring here to the Old versus the New Covenants–one will land you in hell, the other can lead you to heaven. Obviously, traditions in my church aren’t usually such a matter of life or death issues. However, the discent and cold treatment of others that changes in traditions can bring often does have very adverse effects in the church and the community. Like my Son, be patient with people. Don’t expect them to jump on board with your new songs and unique worship ideas. Be persistent. What is clearly taught in my Word must be clearly taught abroad to anyone will listen, whether it be presenting the Gospel over and over to someone who is lost, or deliberately teaching an older person in the Faith about new songs and worship styles. Either way, approach it with wisdom and determination. What I said to God: Thank You, Lord, for an amazing weekend with Justin in the Smokies. Thank You for meeting with me this morning to start my week off with You. I know that being a true and effective teacher means taking some rebuke and being willing to stir up some controversy at times. I guess even peacemakers new to sometimes take a stand in order to accuate peace in people’s hearts in the long run. Praise You, Father! Lead and anoint me this week and protect my family.