
22. September 2020 Romans 0

Text: Romans 8:26-27

Theme: The Spirit prays through us.

Key verses: “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who know all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will” (v. 26-27).

What God said to me: Write it down. Just write what comes to your mind. Don’t overthink it, Dwayne. I am your helper who lives inside of you. I am speaking to you, guiding you, and directing your thoughts right now. That does not mean that everything you write is infallible and directly from me. Your words are still being passed through your finite mind and through your human will and emotions. Yet, you have the mind of Christ. Don’t lose sight of that awesome reality. Choose to die to yourself and your old nature and way of thinking. Get yourself out of the way today, and watch me pour through you to write these lessons on prayer. You wonder why I chose you to write this study on the Model Prayer. You said so again out loud to me this morning while you were still waking up in bed. The answer is simple: It’s because you are weak. You don’t know everything or have all the answers already. You must depend on me to guide you. I like that. I can use that. Humble yourself before me today and allow me to work through you and lift you up in due time. Don’t be concerned with your “platform” or who will read what you are writing. Let me take care of that. I am here. My Spirit lives in you and is present with you now to pray and write through you. Some things you pray cannot even be expressed in words on paper. But I know what needs to be conveyed to your Father. And the Father knows exactly what your heart needs. The Father will accomplish exactly what he wants to do in your life according to his (my) will. Trust me. Trust your Father. Trust the Spirit of God whose power raised Jesus from the dead and who lives inside of you. Never forget: When you are weak, you are really strong.

What I said to God: Heavenly Father God, Elohim, Omnipotent Creator and Eternal Friend, I acknowledge You today as my Lord and Savior, my Shepherd and Guide. I need You every hour. I desperately want to write this study in a way to truly encourage people, fellow believers, to pray and grow in their worship. That is my heart’s desire. But how to accomplish that seems to escape me at times. Thank You for continuing to show Yourself faithful and for speaking to me and through me with each lesson I write. The next couple of lessons may prove to be the most challenging for me as I tackle the mysterious topic of the Kingdom of God. But it’s Your Kingdom and for Your glory that I am writing this. So, why should I fret or be afraid? I just ask that You help me rightly divide the Word of Truth and clearly express in simple terms what You have put inside my heart and mind. I do trust You. Help me trust You more.