Press On
Text: Hebrews 6:1-3
Theme: We must choose to grow in our faith and maturity in Christ.
Key verses: “So let us stop going over the basic teaching about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God. You don’t need further instruction…” (v. 1-2a). “And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding” (v. 3).
What God said to me: Good morning. Always glad when we can meet together. Wish we did it more often. (I’m always available, you know.) Dwayne, I am sovereign. That’s a fact that’s rarely disputed among my true believers. Yes, I can do whatever I want when I want, and what I want is for my children to help themselves grow in their faith. I’m not interested in making them instantly mature. I like watching people grow over time. Evidence of that is all around you. Saplings grow into trees, and babies grow into adults. Not only do I like them to grow, I expect them to grow. Trees grow from soil and light. Babies grow from food and nurturing. I am the author and the finisher of your faith. What I started in you I will continue to perform until the day my Son returns or you go to him. Nonetheless, I expect you to do your part. In context, the author of Hebrews is addressing believers in this passage who have apparently become stunted and dull in their faith. He is saying to them that they must choose to press on to full maturity in Christ. They didn’t need more teaching on the fundamentals. Fundamental theology is important because it forms a foundation to build on. But who wants only a cold, drab slab on a piece of property, with no building on it? A slab alone is not what a builder envisions as his finished project. A mere foundation is uninteresting and ineffective by itself–as are my children who stop pressing on to become the temples I meant for them to be. I want my children to learn more and to dig deeper into my Word–to really know me and love me deeply. You can only get to know someone if you take time to be with them, talk with them and read what they’ve said about themselves. Therefore, desire the sincere milk of my Word–but don’t settle for just baby’s milk. Press on to enjoy my solid foods. I’ve got steak and potatoes hidden for you inside the pages of my written Word. I won’t shove it down your throat; I won’t force-feed you. However, I’m more than willing to help you move forward and become a mighty warrior in my army and shepherd among my sheep. Do your part to grow, and I promise to do mine. (I always do.)
What I said to God: Lord, I sit amazed in Your presence this morning. I know because of my sin and rebellion that I deserve death and punishment. Yet, You took my punishment upon Yourself. You took my place. I am forever grateful to You! I know You justified me instantly when You saved me out of darkness and gave me a new heart. I know You will one day glorify me with a new body to live forever with You in the New Jerusalem. What I am still trying to grasp is what lies between those two awesome life-markers. The process of sanctifying me, of making me more like Your Son while I’m on this earth–that’s the thing I struggle with. It’s the part where I have a role to play. Please help me run to You, cling to You and obey You everyday. And yet, please also forgive me when I don’t. I admit it’s a constant struggle between my old and new natures. Thank You for empowering me and constantly helping me press on to win this race! I pray for my family and Your church today to press on to know You more and share You with others.