Unseen Hand
Text: Acts 23:11-35
Theme: God’s unseen hand led and protected Paul.
Key verses: “That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, ‘Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.’ The next morning a group of Jews got together and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul” (v. 11-12). “They went to the leading priests and elders and told them, ‘We have bound ourselves with an oath to eat nothing until we have killed Paul. So you and the high council should ask the commander to bring Paul back to the council again…We will kill him on the way.’ But Paul’s nephew…heard of their plan and went to the fortress and told Paul. Paul called for one of the Roman officers and said, ‘Take this young man to the commander. He has something important to tell him.’ So the officer did…The commander took his hand…and asked, ‘What is it you want to tell me?’ Paul’s nephew told him, ‘Some Jews are going to ask you to bring Paul before the high council tomorrow…But don’t do it! There are more than forty men hiding along the way ready to ambush him…’Don’t let anyone know you told me this,’ the commander warned the young man” (v. 14-22). “So that night, as ordered, the soldiers took Paul as far as Antipatris…the mounted troops took him on Caesarea. When they arrived…they presented Paul and the letter to Governor Felix. He read it and then asked Paul what province he was from. ‘Celicia,’ Paul answered. ‘I will hear your case myself when your accusers arrive,’ the governor told him. Then the governor ordered him kept in the prison at Herod’s headquarters.
What I believe God said to me: It’s evident in this passage that Paul wasn’t a fatalist. He wasn’t passive. He was actively involved in helping to accomplish my revealed will. But the bigger takeaway from this story is my clear intention and intervention through it. Notice that Paul didn’t initiate my visit. No doubt he prayed and asked for my help and guidance. However, there is nothing recorded here to indicate he caused my appearance to him in that jail cell. He was discouraged, and I came to encourage him and reassure him of my presence and plan with him. That’s what I do, Dwayne. I never leave or forsake my children. No matter where they are or how desperate their situation may appear, I have a plan and purpose for them, and I am with them–even to the ends of the earth. Take note that Paul had very little to do with his rescue. His nephew was in the right place at the right time to overhear a plot the high council had cooked up to have Paul ambushed. Was that happenstance or pure luck? Not at all. Make no mistake: My unseen hand was moving throughout that entire scenario. I placed his nephew where he needed to be to learn of the plot. I gave him the courage to go and tell what he knew to Paul and to the commander. Paul’s part in all of this was to wait on me and trust. He simply responded to his nephew and connected him with the commander. Paul was cutoff from everyone and helpless to do more than that. He did what (little) he could, and I orchestrated everything else. I do the same for you, Dwayne. Even when you don’t see it, I’m still working, and even when you don’t feel it, I’m working. As the familiar song says, “I never stop, I never stop working,” and moving on behalf of my children. There is something even bigger happening in this story that I don’t want you to miss. Yes, I was working on Paul’s behalf, but I was also using Paul to accomplish my will for the nations. Paul was my chosen mouthpiece to proclaim the Gospel, not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles. And my purpose was for him to go all the way to Gentiles Central, to Rome itself, the most heathenistic and Jewish-opposed place on earth at that time. Nothing would obstruct my will from happening. No governor or king or commanding officer or evil plan could prevent Paul from going to Rome to share the Good News of the gospel. Here is the only question you need to ponder today: What is my will for you? What do you know I have already instructed you to do? Aim at that purpose with all of your heart. Wait on me; guard your heart, and seek me with all that you are. Constantly trust and meditate on these promises from my Word: “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.”
What I said to God: Holy Father, You are so merciful and kind and true. You are my precious Lord and Savior. You have never let me down. Even when I’ve been faithless, You have remained faithful–to me, yes, but more importantly, to Your calling and mission for my life. I don’t know why You haven’t given up on me. I am chief of sinners and totally undeserving of Your love and blessings. Thank You for Your unseen hand that guides me and protects me along my journey. Please help me listen and obey You each and every day. I admit I feel overwhelmed by all I see there is to do and by all the needs around us. Yet, I know it is not my job, and it’s not the job of NLWI, to meet every need. That is Your part. My part is do what You’ve put me on this earth to do and to reach and help the people You want me to reach and help. Help me wait on You and trust Your unseen hand in this coming year. And may this always be the song of my heart: “I long to see my Savior’s face and sing the story Saved by grace; And there upon that golden strand I’ll praise Him for His guiding hand. I’m holding to the unseen hand That guides me thru this dreary land; And some sweet day I’ll reach that strand, Still holding to the unseen hand. And some sweet day I’ll reach that strand, Still holding to the unseen hand.”