Hard Care
Text: Acts 20:28-38
Theme: Paul worked hard to care for those appointed to him.
Key verses: “So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock–his church, purchased with his own blood–over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders (v. 28). “Watch out! Remember the three years I was with you–my constant watch and care over you night and day, and my many tears for you. And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up…” (v. 31-32a). “You know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who were with me. And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard…When he had finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them. They all cried as they embraced and kissed him goodbye” (v. 34-37).
What I believe God said to me: Consider the many “hard” things Paul alluded to here as he spoke to those Ephesian church leaders… “Guard yourselves. Guard God’s people. Feed God’s flock. Shepherd the church (the one Jesus’ died for). Watch out! Remember my constant watch over you, my constant care over you night and day. Remember my many tears for you. These hands of mine have worked, to supply my own needs. I’ve worked even for the needs of those with me. I’ve been a constant example, of how you can help these in need, by working hard.” Do you feel exhausted just reading this list? Imagine how those church leaders must have felt. They had seen first hand what Paul meant by his “hard work” and watchful care. How were they to live up to such a high standard? How were they supposed to carry on with Paul’s amazing ministry of care? Paul gave the very encouraging and vital answer. He said, “Now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up.” That was it! Paul knew that what he was asking of them they could never do on their own. Paul couldn’t have done it either, for that matter. The only way anyone could possible pull off such a huge assignment or “appointment” from the Holy Spirit was through me, though my Fatherly care and mercy, and through my Spirit working in and through you. Paul actually referred to two necessary ingredients for success in ministry. He entrusted them to me and also to the message of my grace. Why did he emphasize grace? Because my grace was able to build them up. Paul knew the real secret to living this life is to live it in Christ through my unmerited favor on your life. It’s interesting to note that Paul didn’t include faith in his recipe for success. Wouldn’t it have made sense for Paul to at least mention the need for them to have faith and believe in me? After all, without faith it is impossible to please me. So, why not include faith in his entrusting mix? Perhaps Paul knew that ultimately faith is man’s part. Thus, because people aren’t reliable, their faith isn’t reliable either. It comes and goes–sometimes you have it, and sometimes you lose it. Grace, however, is always sufficient and reliable. Why? Because grace is completely dependent on me. Grace has nothing to do with you humans. Grace flows down from your Father, from your Savior, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Paul knew something that you need to keep in mind as well. Paul knew ministry is not ultimately man’s job. Ministry is our job. We will get ministry done–one way or another. When a little lamb leaves the flock of ninety-nine, we will go after that sheep. It is not our will that even one of these little ones should perish. Jesus bled and died for that little lamb. It’s true we often use humans, our followers, to help bring them home. However, it’s our grace that ultimately accomplishes it–not your human effort or even your faithfulness.
What I said to God: Lord, I’m still trying to absorb what I think You may have just said. Is what I wrote really what Your Word says about this topic? Am I representing You properly here and Your ways with Your people? I feel I need more time to think this through and search Your Scriptures. Perhaps I need to take a few more days on this passage before confirming what I think You actually “said” about it. I know to allow Your Word and Your Spirit to interpret Scripture, rather than depend on my own ideas and very limited comprehension. Of one thing I am certain: Ministry is not up to me. I can do all things–but only through Christ who strengthens me. It’s Your Church, and they are Your people, Your children, and Your family. You are the Shepherd. You have graciously appointed me and others to watch over certain “sheep” in Your pasture. However, we can’t pull it off successfully apart from your all-sufficient and amazing grace.