
17. August 2024 Acts 0

Text: Acts 20:13-17

Theme: Paul was a planner who didn’t leave things to chance.

Key verses: “Paul went by land to Assos, where he had arranged for us to join him, while we traveled by ship” (v. 13). “Paul had decided to sail on past Ephesus, for he didn’t want to spend any more time in the province of Asia. He was hurrying to get to Jerusalem, if possible, in time for the Festival of Pentecost. But when we landed at Miletus, he sent a message to the elders of the church of Ephesus, asking them to come and meet him” (v. 16-17).

What I believe God said to me: Good morning, Dwayne. It’s good to meet with you this morning and commune with you. You are my friend, because and when you do what I command. To be specific, this is my command: Love each other. How are you doing with that? Don’t assume I’m your friend by default. I expect you to love others with a godly love and thus fulfill the law and my commandments. Notice now the descriptive phrases for Paul in this passage in Acts 20: “Paul…arranged for us…Paul decided to sail…he didn’t want to spend more time…He was hurrying to get to…he sent a message…” Do these sound like the actions and desires of a man who just let life happen to him? As much as he trusted me and my sovereignty in his life, it’s safe to say that he also saw his role in his day to day activities. He planned his way, was concerned about his journeys, even “hurried” to get where he felt he needed to be. Paul knew where I wanted him to be–in Jerusalem, in this case, and he made a beeline to get there. Dwayne, I have “ordered” your steps as well. I have given you a clear vision of where I want you to go. So, head in that direction and trust me to guide you along the way. The word for ordered in Psalm 37:23 has a few different colorations to its meaning–and they all are applicable to how I lead my dear children along. “Ordered” can mean to direct, to be established, be prepared, be stable, secure, enduring, and restored. The real key to understanding how I order your steps can be found in the last part of that same verse. It says that I delight in your way. This means I take pleasure in your way, with your road, your distance and journey and manner. I am pleased with your habits and your course of life. What I want you to realize is that I am not hovering over you, daring you to make a misstep or put a foot in the wrong place. You need not fear or be overly cautious about your every little move. Think about the pillar of fire and the cloud that the Israelites followed. They didn’t wait for my approval for every single step they took. I led them in the direction I wanted them to go, and they were responsible to follow my cloud and pillar closely. They still had some freedom of movement within that general direction. No doubt the children of Israel had to make pit stops along their journey. To use the toilet, for example, they went outside the group and temporarily away from the direction of my cloud or pillar of fire. Did that mean they got off-course or displeased me? Not at all. And just because they were following my cloud didn’t mean they had it easy. They didn’t! They still had to maneuver around holes and rocks and other obstacles. They sometimes had to hurry to catch up with the group. You see, I’m not looking to control your every minute move. I trust you. What’s more, I delight in your journey, and I love to guide you in the direction I want you to go. Remember that my Word is a lamp unto your feet. As you humbly submit to me and my leadership, I will make sure you take the steps you’re supposed to take. I won’t let you fall into deep ditches or stray far off course. Nonetheless, you have a responsibility to listen to my still, small voice, to digest my Word and closely follow my leading. When it comes to my sovereign will and working in people’s lives, “thinking” Christians often pride themselves in belonging to one extreme camp or the other. They think it’s all about their free will or that there is no human will needed at all. But it’s not either/or; it’s both of those ideas. I’m partnering with my followers to get my mission accomplished on the earth. I trust you to make some decisions and work with all my might to get where you feel led of me to go. Now, see you to it.

What I said to God: Wow, Lord. I didn’t see all this coming when I sat down to meditate on this passage. It’s taken me several days to pour over this and try to discern what Your Word says about free will vs. Your sovereign will and our responsibility in our daily plans vs. Your intervention and leading. I still haven’t gotten it all figured out–not sure anyone does actually. Your ways are above our ways, and Your thoughts are above our thoughts. I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. Nonetheless, thank You for showing me today that it is OK to help move things along in the direction You have already shown and laid out for us. It’s OK to “hurry” sometimes and to arrange things in advance and send messages to help things happen. Those things are actually needed at times. Rather than showing a lack of faith, they can actually demonstrate intentionality and determination. This knowledge is very freeing and reassuring to me. Please help me listen closely and always for Your still, small voice in and through Your written Word and within my spirit where Your Spirit dwells with me.