
09. July 2022 Romans 0

Text: Romans 15:12-13

Theme: God is the source of our hope.

Key verses: “‘The heir to David’s throne will come, and he will rule over the Gentiles. They will place their hope on him.’ I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (v. 12b-13).

What God said to me: Son, good morning. I know you are cumbered about with much serving. I know you’re worried and anxious about how and if you are going to get the money you need for the mission trip to Africa next month. Why are you so concerned? Why do you fret? This is not your ministry. It is mine. Those are not your people you’re hoping to minister to. They are mine. Yes, you should ask, seek, and knock from me. And you should do it often. But focus on praying for my kingdom to come and my will to be done. Make your concerns about my kingdom. Cast your cares on me. This is about me, and it’s on me to take care of the ministry I have entrusted to you. Now look closely at this exhortation from Paul. Paul wasn’t telling his readers to worry about their future or fret about whether they are in harmony with other believers. Quite the opposite. In the midst of challenging them to strive for unity and to live godly lives, he said they should have joy and peace and “confident hope.” Dwayne, don’t walk through your life–not even one day–without joy and peace and hope. Don’t settle for anything less. I am in charge, and I am your God. Trust me. Paul said that is why you can be “completely filled” with joy and peace–because you trust in me. Allow my Spirit to fill you today. Let him overflow in your heart to give you confidence and hope that are beyond what your eyes can see or your mind can understand. I am your heavenly Father. Don’t worry–be at peace.

What I said to God: Holy and precious Lord, I acknowledge gladly and humbly that You are my Father and my true Friend. You stick closer than a brother. You have never left or forsaken me, and You never will. I place my full hope and trust in You today. I choose to rejoice. I know You will supply our every need according to Your riches in glory. I cast my cares on You because You care for me. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. I ask that You provide the complete funding we need to do everything You want us to do in Africa next month. I claim that now in Your holy name. I will not dictate to You how much we need, but I will believe that You will supply exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. I choose joy.