
03. June 2022 Romans 0

Text: Romans 14:20-23

Theme: To doubt what you do is to sin; convictions must be firm and followed.

Key verses: “It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble. You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God…But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.

What God said to me: Dwayne, welcome home from your monthlong mission tour. Rest and refocus over the next few days. Make extra time to listen to me and meditate on my Word. Don’t try to scheme your way or lean on your own understanding regarding what you just experienced. Follow my trail. Deny yourself and follow hard after me. That is your only job–to listen and obey. This passage is very bold and clarifying from Paul. Far more than breaking some written commandment, Paul is saying that anything you are unsure of doing can be sinful. You must be certain that every action is grounded on my Word and my direction and blessing. Think about that old song you used to sing. You sang, “I won’t walk with Jesus. I won’t talk without Jesus. I refuse to live one day…Cause everything that I would do I just won’t do without the Lord.” That must still be your attitude and resolve. Check everything through me and my written Word. Be careful not to assume I am OK with your attitudes or actions. And be sure what you are doing isn’t causing fellow believers to doubt or stumble. You are your brother’s keeper. I have invested many years and rich relationships into you, and I expect a return on my investment. I expect your life to be a potential blessing and encouragement to all who come in contact with you. Whatever is not of faith is sin, plain and simple. Accept it. Live by it.

What I said to God: Thank You Jesus for speaking so clearly to me through Your Word today. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit who is my Teacher and Counselor. I know You will show me the paths of life. You will guide my every step if only I will listen and follow closely. May my children do the same. Please help Sonia and me exemplify this selfless attitude of love and consideration for others. Please help me understand our next steps as a ministry at NLW and how to best lead our staff and teams around the world.