Good News

20. February 2020 Romans 0

Text: Romans 1:16-17

Theme: This Good News is powerful, informative, and possible through faith.

Key verses/phrases: “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith…’It is through faith that a righteous person has life.'” (v. 16-17).

What God said to me: Dwayne, knowing what the Good News is and embracing its powerful truth will help you not to be ashamed of it. Paul was bold in his beliefs. He would tell anyone anywhere what I had done for him and how others could know me through faith in my Son. How good does good need to be to motivate someone to share it, even if it could mean beatings, imprisonment, and even death? Immerse yourself in the Book of Romans. Fill your mind with knowledge and understanding of my Good News. Soak in the deep truths contained within this letter from Paul. I promise you will come out more bold and determined to live for me and share this Good News with those you encounter from day to day. You are embarking on a journey where you will discover like never before how powerful the Gospel is–powerful enough to reach the lowest sinner and change the hardest heart. You will learn better how sinners are made right in my sight–a task only possible because of my mercy and grace coupled with a person’s child-like faith. Nothing happens, no transaction occurs between man and Maker apart from faith. That is how you have been made righteous. Celebrate this Good News and be grateful for my amazing grace shown to awful sinners.

What I said to God: Holy Lord, I praise You today. I thank You for loving me and for showing Your amazing love and mercy on my life. Thank You for reaching down and saving me when I was just a small child. Truly, You came to me. And I am so glad You did! Please help me grow in my faith and in boldness to share You with those around me who need to know of this Good News, of how You love them so much You sent your only Son to die in their place. Amazing love, how can it be that You my King would die for me!