Ways to Motivate
Text: Hebrews 10:23-25
Theme: We need each other for encouragement and motivation to do good.
Key verses: “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near” (v. 24-25).
What God said to me: Other words for motivate are to spur on, stir up, stimulate. What you need to do–what you must do–is “hold tightly without wavering to the hope” you have affirmed. You know I can be trusted to keep my promise. It’s written right here in this passage. But you’re human, and you easily forget. You need others to help you remember and encourage you to stay the course. You were never meant to do this Christian life alone. I have blessed you with wonderful friends who love me and who are trying to walk my trail, as are you. Cling to them. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Be transparent with those you trust. Be open about your weaknesses and concerns. Share not only your wins, but also your losses. No one on your earth is perfect. However, I’ve put people around you to help shape you into perfection, into the likeness of my dear Son. Make an effort to motivate others as well. Think of ways today that you can encourage someone who needs your prayers and support.
What I said to God: Thank You, my Father and Friend, for speaking to me and encouraging me through Your Word. I confess I don’t always keep myself connected and involved with others on a deeper level. And sometimes I run away from rather than toward those who need encouragement and help along the journey. Help me help them today. Please grant me an opportunity, a divine appointment, to share my faith and hope in You with someone who doesn’t know You or have Your peace and life.