Eagerly Waiting
Text: Hebrews 9:27-28
Theme: Salvation will come to those eagerly waiting for His return.
Key verses: “And just as each person is destined to die once and after comes the judgment, so also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him” (v. 27-28).
What God said to me: Dwayne, be careful not to take this passage out of the context of New Testament scripture. The writer wasn’t saying those who aren’t eagerly waiting won’t receive salvation. Many other passages teach what is needed to be saved (by grace through faith). What the Hebrews author did write is that those are eager will most certainly experience salvation. Christ will, in fact, “bring salvation” or “save” when he appears again on earth. Paul made several references to eagerly watching for Jesus’ return. Perhaps Paul was correctly assuming that those who truly belong to me will quite naturally look forward to meeting me face to face. I will remind you of your Facebook post a few days ago regarding this passage. You said, “There are days when I’m not as ‘eager’ for the Lord’s return as this word apparently means–and I’m wondering how many Christians in general are this intensely eager. Here’s what I’m learning: ‘This expressive word (is) again and again used by St. Paul to describe the attitude of Christ’s people upon earth towards their Lord and His salvation…(It is) a single word in the Greek, and a very striking one. It means, literally, a STRAINING FORWARD with outstretched head, just as we might imagine the crowds outside a race-course straining over the ropes to catch a sight of the runners; an eager, intent expectation.’ (taken from Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers on Hebrews 9:28 and Romans 8:19) Dwayne, the question I have for you today is not are those who aren’t eagerly waiting for me truly saved. You will not be held accountable for whether others are waiting for Christ to appear. You can’t be responsible for whether other people are truly saved. Only I know their hearts and will judge their expectant (or distracted) attitudes. No, the most important question for you is are you eagerly waiting and expecting my second coming? Are you ready and about my business so you won’t be ashamed before me at my return? Are you straining forward to catch the sight of me? Check your heart today. Look at your daily habits. Examine your plans and dreams. Do they show evidence of an expectant heart? Are they dictated and directed by the reality of my imminent return to bring you salvation?
What I said to God: Thank You, my Lord and God, for saving me from the penalty of sin when as a child I trusted You as my Savior. Thank You that You continue to save me from the practice of sin. And thank You over and over again that when You return You will ultimately save me from the very possibility of sin! Forgive me when I don’t “eagerly” await Your coming. Forgive me when my mind and heart are distracted and allured by the pseudo-attractiveness of things in this world, rather than by Your awesome beauty and grace. Forgive me when I am bogged down with worry and care rather than joyfully looking to You for my provisions, protection and care. Please help me confess and forsake my tendencies to look around more than I look up. You are our true reality. You are in charge. Our God reigns, and You will come again to receive us unto Yourself, that where You are we may be also! What a promise! What a privilege to know You and be loved by You!