A Better Ministry
Text: Hebrews 8:3-6
Theme: Christ’s ministry is far better than any human ministry could ever be.
Key verses: “…there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things…” (v. 4b-5a). “But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises” (v. 6).
What God said to me: Son, it’s hard talking to you when you are so distracted and full of self. Die to yourself and your agenda first, then come back to this place of listening…Dwayne, I will not tolerate being squeezed in among your things-to-do list, or after your things-I-want-to-do. I must take first and supreme place in your heart, mind, soul and strength. Do you fool yourself to think you are doing that? You are not. I want to show you a better way to minister. I want to delight you with my grace and with gracious insights into my Word. You’re my child, and I want to bless you today. But you must be in a place to receive those insights and blessings. Because you have asked, I have forgiven and cleansed your sins. Now, be sure you forsake those sinful ways and habits. Repent and turn away from your sin and toward me. My Son, Jesus, sits in heaven enthroned at my right side. He is here ministering for you and for every believer whom he has washed in his blood and saved from death and destruction. No priest on earth could ever take away sin once and for all. No priest and no minister except Jesus can always be interceding for you, always mediating between you and me. He atoned for your sins once and for all and now he prays for you constantly. Can you imagine that? Can you fathom how much love he must have for you and for all his brothers and sisters that he would never stop interceding for you? We will look closely at the better promises and better covenant in our next meeting. For now, just know that everything Christ brings to help you is better than anything people could ever do or bring. That’s why you must die to your flesh. You must not put your trust in men; put your trust in me. I am your shield and fortress; I am your high tower and ultimate provider. Without me you can do nothing. Don’t follow mere copies and vain attempts at deity. Nothing on earth deserves your worship because nothing and no one comes close to me or can compare to my love and greatness.
What I said to God: Lord…I can use that term lightly I admit. I tend to say to you, “Lord, Lord,” yet not always do what you command. I acknowledge my selfishness and pride. Please cleanse me. In fact, thank You for cleansing and forgiving me. Help me now to forgive myself and to move forward in righteousness and true holiness. I claim the filling of Your Holy Spirit today. I need You every hour of this day. Thank You for Your better promises and better ministry. Help me walk in those promises and minister in Your name, so I too can have a more effective and better ministry–one that can bring about true life-change because You are ministering through me.