Meant for Better
Text: Hebrews 6:9-12
Theme: Our salvation comes packaged with all kinds of potential awesomeness.
Key verses: “Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things–things that belong to salvation. For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (v. 9-12).
What God said to me: Oh Dwayne, I have so much in store for you and for all my followers. I’ve gone to great lengths over thousands of years to reveal myself and my plan to you. I gave you my written Word, my instructions and wisdom–first on tablets and parchments and now on electronic tablets and phones (so the world world may read and know). I sent my only begotten Son to show you my glory and who I Am. I sent you the Holy Spirit–part of the Trinity–to live inside you, guide and empower you day by day, and teach you what we have said to you through Jesus and the Scriptures. I chose you before the foundation of the world and redeemed your life from destruction. I forgave you through the blood my Son shed on the cross. I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing and seated you in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I have lavished my grace on you, and I’m making known the mystery of my will according to my purpose. Dwayne, you were meant for better–better than languishing in your past failures and regrets, better than trusting in your own strengths and accomplishments, better than hanging back with lethargic and non-repentant people, better than listening to discouraging lies from the enemy. I have forgiven you! Live like you are forgiven and free. You were made for better things–things that belong to salvation! Keep hoping, Dwayne. Keep enduring through faith and patience. You can still “inherit the promises” I have given you–promises like having not only life, but life abundantly, starting here and now. You can and should have joy unspeakable and full of glory while you’re on earth before you go to heaven! If you remain faithful you can reign with me on high one day. You can hear me say, “Well done.” If you are faithful over the few things I’ve entrusted to you now, I will make you ruler over many things in the new heavens and earth to come. Don’t misunderstand this passage. You don’t have to work for your salvation and eternal life. That was my gift of grace to you. The promises you can inherit belong to your salvation and spring from the eternal life I’ve freely given you. Don’t live your life trying to keep your salvation; don’t make this life about you. Instead, invest your life by dying to yourself and living only for me and my glory. Make your life about serving the saints and loving others in the same way you love yourself. Then and only then can you inherit the many promises I have given–promises that belong to the saved.
What I said to God: Thank You a thousand times, most holy Lord, for speaking through Your Word to my heart today. I am touched and humbled by Your encouragement and direction. Please forgive me for yesterday’s failures, and help me live only for today’s opportunities to glorify You through my words and deeds. Please watch over my family while I am here in NC. And please give me inspiration and direction about the next book You want me to write. I trust You for every promise in Your awesome, awesome Word!