Worthy of All Worship

04. October 2017 Hebrews 0

Text: Hebrews 1:5-14

Theme: Jesus is above all and worthy of all worship.

Key verses: “For God never said to any angel what he said to Jesus: ‘You are my Son. Today I have become your Father'” (v. 5). “And when he brought his supreme Son into the world, God said, ‘Let all of God’s angels worship him'” (v. 6). “But to the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever…'” (v. 8). “He also says to the Son, ‘In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with your hands. They will perish, but you remain forever. They will wear out like old clothing. You will fold them up like a cloak and discard them like old clothing. But you are always the same; you will love forever.’ And God never said to any of the angels, ‘Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet'” (v. 10-13).

What God said to me: Good morning, Dwayne. I love our meetings each morning. Please build this habit back into your life of scheduling time alone with me in my Word. As you journal what I show you, you will continue to grow and be challenged and stretched in your faith. I have much to teach you. Never think you have arrived or attained all I have for you. What I want to teach you more than anything is to worship my Son, who is worthy of all of your worship and devotion. To no one else have I ever said, “Let all the angels worship him.” To no one else will I ever say, “Your throne, O God, endures forever.” My Son helped lay the foundation of the earth and made the heavens. Together with the Holy Spirit as three-in-one, we formed all of creation. No one else can one day in the future fold up the discarded earth and heavens and simply “throw them out”–much like you would take out your garbage. Try to fathom the greatness of my Son. Try to comprehend his power and authority as he now sits in the place of highest honor at my right hand. All his enemies will become as nothing more than his footstool, subdued under his feet. That’s what I do to anyone who rejects and defies my first-born, Jesus. Worship him, and him alone. Allow no other gods to take his place in your heart and life. Nothing short of complete surrender is what I expect from those who follow my Son.

What I said to God: Thank You, holy God. I admit that this book and the deep theology it presents is difficult for me to understand and fully grasp. For example, I don’t get how You are a triune God, three-in-one as God, the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I believe it. I see it clearly taught in scripture; yet I get easily confused about it. Here You say to worship Your Son; but in doing so we are really worshiping You in your fullness and glory, since You are really one God. I may never fully grasp this incredible truth this side of heaven. Nonetheless meanwhile, please help me do exactly what this passage calls for–to worship Your awesome Son with all that is within me. I pray that all who read this will be challenged to worship You more deeply and more passionately.