Faith that Shakes
Text: Acts 4:23-31
Theme: God honors bold faith from his people.
Key verses: “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. When they heard this they raised their voices together in prayer to God” (v. 23-24). “‘Why do the nations rage…’ (v. 25). “‘Indeed Herod and Pilate met together…to conspire against…Jesus'” (v. 27). “‘Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness…heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders though the name of…Jesus.’ After they prayed, the place where they were metting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (v. 29-31).
What God said to me: Son, I always respond to bold confident displays of faith from my children. There is much to learn from this story. 1. Notice the believers immediately and firstly reacted by praying, when they got the grim news of threats from the religious leaders. They didn’t cower in a corner or sit around and worry and fret. They took it to me in prayer. 2. They quoted scripture. 3. They looked back and “reminded” me of how those religious leaders had treated my Son. Then they reminded themselves of how I was in control of that entire situation, having planned it in advance. 4. They prayed not for themselves first but for healing and wonders in my Son’s name. No wonder I shook the place. Can you begin to imagine how moved I was by their faith and their faithfulness? I confirmed my approval by a physical sign and the filling of my Holy Spirit. So it still is today, Dwayne. When you include all four of those essential elements in your responses to life’s situations, I will hear and answer your prayer for help. Don’t be surprised if I shake the place up a bit. But at the same time, don’t wait for me to. Just trust that I will come to your aid for my Son’s name’s sake. And believe you are filled and empowered by my Spirit to accomplish what I’ve called you to do.
What I said to God: Lord and Savior, Jesus, I praise you for still meeting with me and speaking to me through your Word. I never ceased to be amazed by your mercy and faithfulness–even when I’m not faithful to you. Forgive my lack of faith and focus this week. Please shake me up inside and out if needed to move me forward in my faith and growth. Open the doors wide that you want me to walk through–for your name’s sake alone.