Mercy First
Text: Acts 3:17-26
Theme: Before God judges He always extends mercy.
Key verses: “Listen, friends, I know you didn’t fully realize what you were doing when you rejected and betrayed Jesus” (v. 17a). “God was at work in all this..that His Liberating King would suffer. So now you need to rethink everything and trun to God so your sins will be forgiven…” (v. 18-19). “So when God raised up His Servant, God sent Him first to you to change your path from evil ways to God’s ways” (v. 26).
What God said to me: Dwayne, you will have a difficult job trying to imagine the magnitude of this sermon and the significance it holds. Do you understand who Peter is speaking to here? He’s not only talking to Jews, but to some of the very Jews who were present and involved in my Son’s murder. Peter started with a bold and clear indictment; yet he suddenly softened his tone and called them “friends.” Friends! He was speaking on my behalf and he treated those murderers like he cared for them! How appropriate. Peter was simply mirroring my heart and desire for those who put my Son on the cross. I loved them. I wanted to forgive them and extend my undeserved mercy and grace to them. That continues to be my greatest hope and desire. I want none to perish but all to come to repentance. Show mercy first and foremost Dwayne–just as I do to you.
What I said to God: Holy Lord, you are amazing, astonishing, all-powerful God. Yet your mercy endures forever. You withhold your judgment on us to give us an opportunity to turn from our evil and toward you. Thank you for such love and grave! I am overwhelmed and thankful you love me–despite my serious shortcomings and evil tendencies.