On the Verge of Miracles
Text: Acts 3:12-16
Theme: God sees and honors our faith and obedience.
Key verses: “Why are you so amazed, my fellow Israelites? Why are you staring at my friend and me as though we did this miracle through our own power or made this fellow walk by our own holiness? We didn’t do this–God did!” (v. 12-13) “…you killed Him–the very Author of life! But God raised Jesus from the dead, whom my friend John and I have seen with our own eyes. So that’s how this miracle happened: we have faith in the name of Jesus, and He is the power that made this man strong–this man who is know to all of you. It is faith in Jesus that has given this man his complete health here today…” (v. 15-16).
What God said to me: Dwayne, I know you are cumbered about with much serving and that you are anxious about some upcoming plans. I know you are wondering about finances and whether the books you’re working so hard on will really make a wide-spread impact. The point is, I know all about all of this. I have not left you to fend for yourself. I have not taught you to swim to let you drown. I have not brought you this far to let you down. Be very careful to not act and react out of fear, but rather from faith. Peter understood the awesome power and necessity of faith. It was his faith that healed that crippled man. It was my power working through his faith to heal and bring glory to my Son. Peter acted in faith, and look what happened! I honored his faith. He could have said to that crippled man (in front of everyone watching), “Rise up and walk” and then nothing happen. But I saw his faith and healed that man to whom he spoke. Dwayne, you are on the verge of miracles. But you must do what is customarily good and you must have faith and act in obedience at every opportunity. Then when the miracle has occured, you must give honor and glory to me.
What I said to God: Lord, once again, you’ve blown me away by your Word and your peace. Forgive me for doubting you. I love you so much, and I am so thankful I have you to walk this journey with me. Thank you for my wife who supports me and encourages me with her faith. You deserve all glory! I will not fear, but simply trust and obey today.