God In Lonely Places
Text: Luke: 5:12-16 Theme: Jesus often went to lonely places to be with His Father. Key verses: “Jesus reached out his hand adn touched the man, ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, ‘Don’t tell anyone.'” (v. 13-14) “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (v. 15-16) What God said to me: Son, I like lonely places. I like to meet with my children in out-of-the-way locations where others care not be. I know what it feels like to all alone. I don’t like that. So I (we) made you to commune with me (us). My Son, Jesus, sought out lonely places, but not to be alone – not really alone. He wanted and needed communion and fellowship with His Father. And His Father wanted and needed fellowship with Him – uninterrupted, non-competing, distraction-free solitude and silence. My Son is back in heaven with me now, seated by my right hand where He belongs. You, however, are still down there on earth. You are my child and I desire to commune with you as well. You need to commune with me. Your ministry will take you places beyond your wildest imagination in the future. You will minister and help many, many people. And many people will pull at you for your attention and help. But always remember, I prefer the lonely places to meet with my children. Jesus understood that priority and always made that time for me in private and in aloneness. If you meet with me and seek after me often and always in “lonely places” you will never feel alone – even when you are among thousands of people. My holy presence and gentle voice will always assure you of my watchful care and my anticipation of our next meeting in a lonely place. What I said to God: You have given me this gift this week of allowing me to stay in this wonderful cabin away from everyone. This is my “lonely place” where I am far from alone. Unfortunately I have allowed the cares and temptations of this world to move in to this place for a brief time. Forgive me for taking Your gift for granted like that. I yeild myself to You and surrender to Your still, small prompting to retreat often to lonely cabins and woods and closets, where I can pour my heart out to You and gain Your heart in return.