God Reserves a Portion for His Leader

29. October 2007 Joshua 0

Text: Joshua 19:49-51 Theme: Joshua received a unique inheritance of land that was reserved just for him. Key verses: “When they had finished dividing the land into its alloted portions, the Israelites gave Joshua son of Nun an inheritance among them, as the Lord had commanded. They gave him the town he asked for…And he built up the town and settled there. What God said to me: Dwayne, my child and my servant, I have appointed and anointed you to lead my people. I have placed great responsibilities on you – as I have on many other of my children who encourage, lead, and shepherd my flock. Take note in the book of Joshua that Joshua himself never spoke up and demanded that I or the Israelites give him any of the land. It is not written that Joshua expected anything in return for his service and leadership and heroic deeds. He was humble and patient and trusting. However, when given the opportunity Joshua asked for a certain little town for him and his family. It was my special provision for him. He didn’t have to scheme his way and manipulate to get this particular land. All he needed to do was ask and I gladly provided it for him. That is the reward for faithfulness, Dwayne. That is my provision for the man and woman of God who places their entire trust in me and abandons their own wants and dreams. Joshua was completely saturated in doing my will. He wasn’t concerned for himself for he knew I would always take care of him and his family. You can trust me like that too. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will always meet your every financial need. I will always give you your daily bread. And when your life is spent and you face the last days on this earth, I will still be providing for you and your loved ones far beyond anything you can think or imagine. Just stay the course and feed my sheep. What I said to God: Praise You, Lord. All majesty and grandeur and glory go to You and You alone. I thank You for speaking into my present situation this morning. You know we are struggling some financially. More truthfully, You know we would like to see into next week and next month as to how we will meet our bills and provide for our family. But You clearly want us to focus on You and serving and loving You and those You died for. Today, our only real concern is whether we are surrendered to You and willing to trust You implicitly to meet our every need. Lord, I know Your Word is true. I know You hold the Words of life. Where could I go but to the Lord? We will stay the course! I pray for my wife to have peace and assurance of the same today. I love You and adore You. Grant me an opportunity to share Your love with someone lost today.