Where’s Your Sign?

04. May 2007 Joshua 0

Text: Joshua 4:1-9 Theme: We should leave reminders of God’s power and mercy for our children to keep. Key verses: “When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordan…Joshua called together the twelve men…and said to them, “…Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes…to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord….These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” (v. 1, 4-7) “Joshua set up the twelve stones at the spot where the priests who carried the ark had stood. And they are there to this day.” (v. 9) What God said to me: Dwayne, parting the waters so my people could walk over is a great example of my power to keep my promise to Israel. I wanted them to always remember that defining, “kodak” moment. I wanted their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to discover that memorial and be prompted to ask, “Hey, why are these here?” Some wise old soul who had asked that same question years earlier would answer the young ones, “This is the place our God came through for us and showed Himself as the one, true God.” Son, I haven’t ceased doing great and marvelous things for my little ones. Even in your lifetime I have performed some amazing life-changing miracles around and for you. Did you set up a sign? Did you leave a reminder for your children? Signs don’t have to be rocks. They can be old, well-worn Bibles, or a journal stuffed full of memories and records of my faithfulness. In your case, it might include a little bakery in your mom’s backyard that provided for you and for her all those years since your dad died when you were only ten – or perhaps a recording of songs you sang for me growing up. When your boys and their children in the future hear those old albums and read from your old Bibles they will be prompted to ask, “Why was this stuff important to him?” Then some wise older saint will be able to say, “This reminds us of how good God was to Dwayne Moore and his family.” What I said to God: Thank You, holy Lord, for loving me and for speaking to me today. Please forgive me for taking my eyes off of you part of yesterday. Forgive me for ignoring Your commandments and for temporarily laying aside my vows to follow You every minute of every day. Looking back over my life I see Your hand at every step and in every venture. Please help me and my wife look for more creative ways to leave some stones behind for our children’s children. Thank You for my great-grandmother’s Bible that still reminds me of the legacy of belief I have to live up to. Praise You for the many stones others have left for us and the signs we are yet to leave for the generations to come.