No Man Is an Island
Text: Joshua 1:16-18 Theme: Godly leaders need godly followers who know their leaders hear from God. Key verses: Then they answered Joshua, ‘Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses. Whoever rebels against your words…will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous!'” (v. 16-18) What God said to me: Ok, this completes the circle of parties needed to make an impact in this world. At the beginning of chapter 1 the circle begins with my words and my over-arching role. Then the middle verses explains Joshua, the leader’s part in this picture. Now in this passage you can see the proper and needed response from the followers, my people, to that leader. God, leader, followers: all three of these are needed in that order if the greatest impact is to be made on this world. Certainly I can intervene directly with individuals and bring to them to me. However, great movements, and strong, lasting momentum from my people start with my initiation and empowering. The vision comes to and through a leader or a very few leaders. And finally, but not less importantly, the church catches that vision and feels my burden and follows those leader(s) – not for days or weeks, but for months and for years. This kind of movement is sustained and powerful for my Kingdom. Notice what they said to Joshua: Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Joshua had earned that privilege to lead and to hear those amazing words of loyalty. So determined were they to follow closely that anyone who strayed and rebeled would be put to death. Such commitment and vows tend to produce long-lasting staying power. They did, however, have two conditions: “Only may the Lord be with you as he was with Moses.” They expected Joshua to exude and display the same kind of anointing and wisdom as did their former leader. Also, “only be stong and courageous.” They needed him to be confident and bold in his decisions and actions. If they were to confidently follow him, they needed him to have more faith than they and more confidence that they would ultimately win. Dwayne, the lessons here for you as a leader are quite obvious. Remember, never move until you hear from me and never move very far unless you know you have the followers and support team to get the job done. It takes all three parties to make the greatest impact… What I said to God: This is an interesting and provocative word today, Lord. Thank You for meeting with me and speaking to me. I am not sure I grasp the significance of the three parties idea, but I want to. Honestly, I have never considered the third party, the followers or team, to be that important in the process. But now I can see why they are. I am not able or designed to do it alone. Even with your power, I need others to accomplish our missions on this earth. Forgive me when I act like I’m an island to myself, looking to You but yet ignoring others that love You and that I need as well. Wow, Your Word never ceases to amaze me and teach me. Praise You!