…Yet Still Thinking of Others

20. March 2007 Colossians 0

Text: Colossians 4:10-17 Theme: Even the great missionary and writer Paul made space for the concerns of his fellow workers. Key verses: “My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark…(v. 10a) “These are the only Jews among my fellow workers for the Kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me.” (v. 11b) Epaphras…sends greetings.” (v. 12) “Our dear friend Luke…and Demas send greetings. Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea and to Nympha and the church in her house.” (v. 14-15) “…see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans…” (v. 16) “Tell Archippus: ‘See to it that you complete the work you have received from the Lord.” (v. 17) What God said to me: Dwayne, I want you to grasp this so listen carefully. As important as it is to share with others what I am doing with you and your ministry, it is even more important to consider your fellow brothers and sisters and their needs and concerns. If fact, people are your ministry. Never overlook the people I have placed in your path for looking at your “bigger vision.” You will never have a bigger vision than ministering and esteeming those very ones – my little ones – standing right in front of you. I love you, Dwayne. I have a tremendous ministry assigned to you, one you have “received from the Lord.” But it is not bigger than Paul’s. If Paul could and did always take time to write what about what concerned and helped others, so must you. Paul sent these greetings to encourage his fellow workers and prisoners and to encourage and comfort his readers. Yet, beyond that season of struggle, those greetings would be dated and passe. Had Paul only looked at the bigger picture of those of us who would read his writings hundreds of years later, he might not have thought it appropriate to include such “menial” and temporary words. Dwayne, my child, that is just the point: Thinking of others is never menial and ultimately not at all temporary. Be a blessing to those you encounter today. Be where you are and be all you can be to those you meet and to those you love. What I said to God: Holy Lord and eternal Father, I am amazed at the insights in Your Word. I am humbled that You would speak to me in such clear and simple words that convict and cleanse and change. Forgive me for thinking so loftily at times about this great ministry You have shown us that I look right over the heads of the very ones You want me to help and witness to from day to day. I embrace the truth that I have no greater ministry than focusing on my ministry for today. I look forward to an opportunity to share Your love with someone this very day.