Keys to Continuing In Christ
Text: Colossians 2:6-8 Theme: Key instructions on how to move beyond starting with Christ to continuing in Christ. Key verses: “…just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…” (v. 6-8a) What God said to me: I have many children who started with my Son, who have trusted Jesus as their Savior at some point in their past. But they have not continued with Christ. They have stopped growing in Him. They no longer thrill to worship Him, to pray and talk to Him, to read my Word and learn about Him. Dwayne, you can relate because there was a time when you, too, struggled to get off the starting line and around the track more than once. You came in for a premature pit stop and liked it so much you didn’t want to get back in the race. Remember those days? Don’t ever forget them, and for sure, don’t ever relive them. For my people to continue to grow and flourish in their faith, there are four key deliberate actions they must do: 1) Get established. They must dig their roots deep into their fellowship with Jesus. They must see him as their source of all hope, joy and peace. They must determine he and only he directs their future and builds them up. 2) Pump up. Those who would name the name of my Son should exercise and strengthen their faith. And that’s not some new, unknown and mystical belief system they develop. They must avoid chasing after new and strange doctrines. They should go back to the tested and true foundation of their faith, my Holy Bible. 3) Be extremely thankful. Dwayne, this one is particularly important. The most well-indoctinated and knowledgable Christian can become stale and useless and apathetically pathetic. Often, the first step in that sour direction is allowing their hearts to become ungrateful for what I have done for them and for what they have and who they are in Christ. 4) Don’t get duped. Despite growing and strenthening themselves, and even in spite of their thankful hearts, sometimes Satan’s forces can still manage to lead my little ones astray. This is most distressing and painful to watch. As their Shepherd I want so much to warn them of such ditches and deep ravines. But you see, Dwayne, spiritual knowledge and heart-felt gratitude aren’t enough against such a strong enemy as you have. You must be on your guard at all times. You must expect the dark powers to seek to destroy you, to deceive, discourage and discredit you. You must avoid certain places, certain books and magazines and websites. You have to deliberately say no and close your mind to particularly foul-smelling thoughts and ideas. Like an animal sniffs out a substance before taking it into his mouth, you must sniff out deceptive and harmful teachings and run far away from them. What I said to God: Thank You, my precious Shepherd. These are powerful and practical instructions to help me and all Your children stay vitally growing and flourishing in You for a lifetime. Praise You for Your awesome and ever-relavant Word! I love and adore You and lay my life before You today.