Love a Good Mystery
Text: Colossians 1:26-27 Theme: Jesus in me is still a mystery to me Key verses: “the mystery that has been kept through the ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” What God said to me: Dwayne, welcome to the most profound thought of the New Testament. It climaxes and encapsulates all other sin-shattering statements such as “Jesus loves you” and “Before Abraham was, I am.” All that Jesus Christ came to say and do is brought to bear in those 6 simple words, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Why is it so rich? Why is it so glorious? It is because the King of all ages has taken residence inside of you. His indwelling power and presence assures your place in heaven. You now have hope that your life has purpose. You will change and become more like my Son. Because He lives in you, you are righteous in my sight. Absorb that, Dwayne, if you possibly can. The Great I Am is right now living in you. And all his wisdom, all his power, all his righteousness is available to you. He is in you, thus he has become for you all this and much more. The prophets could never see it. They never quite understood how my Spirit would move inside of hearts, rather than only fill temples and guide like pillars of clouds or fire. The Jews certainly never saw the day coming when all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, would have the opportunity for hope of glory and salvation, when anyone could be called my child. This mystery has now been revealed. It is now within your grasp to comprehend the what of this incredible truth. The part you will never understand is the why… What I said to God: Holy and loving Father, my All in All, my Defender, Counselor and best Friend, I appreciate a little better now this “mystery” I’ve heard about for so long from Your Word. I think I get what the mystery is. I acknowledge that the Holy One of Israel, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace has moved inside of me forever. I even somewhat grasp the incredible and glorious hope that fact brings to me and to all those in whom You dwell. But even as You said, I cannot for the life of me comprehend why You would come and live then die for the likes of me. I do not understand why You would move inside a vessel that is so much less than perfect. I cannot fathom why You would demonstrate Your love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, even then You died for us – You died for me. I suppose that part of this mystery, the whole undeserved favor and love part, will forever remain a mystery to me. I may not ever fully understand it, that is true; but I can forever accept it and be indebted to You for it! That part I know I can and I must do…