The If Remains
Text: Colossians 1:22-23 Theme: We have a responsibility in our sanctification Key phrases: “…to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation – if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel…of which I…have been become a servant.” What God said to me: Dwayne, for the rest of your life you will hear debate on both sides as to how much is my work and destiny in you and how much is your free choice. There will be seasons when one side gains momentum over the other, and then the pendulum will swing again in time. It is healthly to consider such things and form strong, well-researched opinions. However, you must never explain away the “if” in this passage. Paul wasn’t confused and he didn’t mince words. You will be holy and without blame before me one day if you do something on your end. Sure, my grace allows for it, draws you to it in fact. But the if remains. On the other hand, certainly you have your responsibilities as well, but the if remains to point you toward the hope of the Gospel of my Son. You cannot make yourself holy period. Yet, I will not force holiness upon you. Debate all you will. But never rest on your mere human intellect and self-gratifying speculations. Yes, I am the Finisher of your faith. Yes, I am able to present you faultless in my dear presence with exceeding joy. Yes, you’ve been predestined to be conformed into the image of my dear Son. And yes, my Son’s blood makes you righteous. Yes, yes, yes. But the if remains – “if you continue…” If not, some blemishes will remain… What I said to God: Whoa, this doesn’t quite jive with my theology, Lord. I don’t really understand what’s being said here. I know You’re not saying work for my salvation. Yet, I’m getting the hint that I am supposed to stay faithful, stay the course, keep my eyes on the prize of your high calling in Christ. I have a clear responsibility. I’m not off the hook and holiness isn’t automatic. Is that what Paul means? Please help me grasp and then apply this profoundly important warning. Help us to continue in our faith and set our focus steadfastly on the hope we have in You! Thank you for speaking – even if I don’t always comprehend it all!